Through the clarificationsand the fortificationand We descendedto youthe reminderfor you to make clearfor the peoplewhatdescendedtowards them,and that perhaps theybe those who think.
Through the clarifications and the fortification and We descended to you the reminder for you to make clear for the people what descended towards them, and that perhaps they be those who think. [ 16 : 44 ]
And for the One is executing commands what is in the heavens and what is in the land from creatures, and the malaikati, while they are not egotistic. [ 16 : 49 ]
And saidthe One,[Do nottakegodsas two;certainly whatHe is, isan unchallenged master (god)absolutely alone,so it is only Methus Whom you should feel terrified of.]
And said the One, [Do not take gods as two; certainly what He is, is an unchallenged master (god) absolutely alone, so it is only Me thus Whom you should feel terrified of.] [ 16 : 51 ]