It is steady,for it to warn abouta calamitythat is severefromnear Him,and for it to give good news tothe ones with peace of mind,the ones whoare doingthe constructive things,thatfor them isa rewardbeautiful.
It is steady, for it to warn about a calamity that is severe from near Him, and for it to give good news to the ones with peace of mind, the ones who are doing the constructive things, that for them is a reward beautiful. [ 18 : 2 ]
Not to them is about Him of any knowledge, nor was any with their forefathers; mighty are words that escape from their mouths; indeed they say nothing but a lie. [ 18 : 5 ]
And for certain We have made distinct in this Proclamatory Reading for the people from all examples; while has been, the human, of many things, argumentative. [ 18 : 54 ]
And notpreventedthe peoplethatthey have convictionwhencame to themthe guidance,and that they ask for forgiveness oftheir Rabb,exceptthatthey're presented withways ofthe former peopleorcomes to themthe punishmentof before.
And not prevented the people that they have conviction when came to them the guidance, and that they ask for forgiveness of their Rabb, except that they're presented with ways of the former people or comes to them the punishment of before. [ 18 : 55 ]
And notWe sendthe Messengersexceptas bearers of good newsand bearers of warnings,while argue,the ones whoare in denial,with fiction,for disprovingwith itthe fact,and they takeMy signs,and whatthey're warned for,as mockery.
And not We send the Messengers except as bearers of good news and bearers of warnings, while argue, the ones who are in denial, with fiction, for disproving with it the fact, and they take My signs, and what they're warned for, as mockery. [ 18 : 56 ]
And whois more unjustthan the one whois remindedabout signs ofhis Rabb,but turns awayfrom themand forgetswhathave sent forthhis hands?CertainlyWe have placedupontheir heartsa concealmentshouldthey understand itand withintheir earsdeafness.And ifyou invite themtothe guidance,still notthey can be guidedtillforever.
And who is more unjust than the one who is reminded about signs of his Rabb, but turns away from them and forgets what have sent forth his hands? Certainly We have placed upon their hearts a concealment should they understand it and within their ears deafness. And if you invite them to the guidance, still not they can be guided till forever. [ 18 : 57 ]
And your Rabb isthe Forgiver,possessor ofthe blessing;IfHe were to take themdue totheir earning,forsure instantlyfor them would bethe punishment,butfor them isan appointed time,neverthey would findfromunder Himan escape.
And your Rabb is the Forgiver, possessor of the blessing; If He were to take them due to their earning, forsure instantly for them would be the punishment, but for them is an appointed time, never they would find from under Him an escape. [ 18 : 58 ]