And ifyou seek pardon ofyour Rabbthenreturnto Him,He will provide for youprovisionsthat are beautifultilla timeindentified,and He giveseverypossessor ofgrace,His favour;and ifyou turn your backthen I amfearfulupon you fora punishment ofa daythat is great.
And if you seek pardon of your Rabb then return to Him, He will provide for you provisions that are beautiful till a time indentified, and He gives every possessor of grace, His favour; and if you turn your back then I am fearful upon you for a punishment of a day that is great. [ 11 : 3 ]
(Take the) example ofthe two groups:(one) as the blindand the deaf,and (other as) the visionedand the hearing one;is it thatthey are equalin example?Then why do notyou remember?
(Take the) example of the two groups: (one) as the blind and the deaf, and (other as) the visioned and the hearing one; is it that they are equal in example? Then why do not you remember? [ 11 : 24 ]
Thus saidthe head clerics ofthe ones whowere in denialfromhis nation,[Notwe see youexcepta humanjust like us,and notwe see youbeing followedexcept bythe ones whoaremost rejected by usevident bythe opinion,and notwe seefor youupon usfromgrace,but on the contrarywe consider you to beliars.]
Thus said the head clerics of the ones who were in denial from his nation, [Not we see you except a human just like us, and not we see you being followed except by the ones who are most rejected by us evident by the opinion, and not we see for you upon us from grace, but on the contrary we consider you to be liars.] [ 11 : 27 ]
(Nooh) said,[Oh my nation!Do you seethatI amuponclarityfrommy Rabb,and have been givena blessingfromnear Him.So if there is blindnessupon you,then should I force it upon youwhile you are beingfor itrepulsed?]
(Nooh) said, [Oh my nation! Do you see that I am upon clarity from my Rabb, and have been given a blessing from near Him. So if there is blindness upon you, then should I force it upon you while you are being for it repulsed?] [ 11 : 28 ]
[And O my nation!NotI ask youupon itany material thing;certainlymy reward isnone butuponthe One;and notI amabout abandoningthe ones whoare convinced;certainlythey will meet withtheir Rabb,where as Isee youas a nation that isignorant.]
[And O my nation! Not I ask you upon it any material thing; certainly my reward is none but upon the One; and not I am about abandoning the ones who are convinced; certainly they will meet with their Rabb, where as I see you as a nation that is ignorant.] [ 11 : 29 ]
[And notI am sayingto you thatnear me aretreasures ofthe One,and notI know ofthe invisible,and notI say thatI ama king,and notI sayfor the ones whoyou disdainin your eyes, thatnever shallgive themthe Onebetterment;the One isof knowledgewith what isinthemselves;I amin that caseof the oneswho are in darkness.]
[And not I am saying to you that near me are treasures of the One, and not I know of the invisible, and not I say that I am a king, and not I say for the ones who you disdain in your eyes, that never shall give them the One betterment; the One is of knowledge with what is in themselves; I am in that case of the ones who are in darkness.] [ 11 : 31 ]
They said, [O Nooh! Certainly you have argued with us so increasingly we have argued, thus come to us with what you promise us, if you are of the truthful.] [ 11 : 32 ]
[And notis useful to youmy admonitionifI intendthatI give adviceto you,ifhadthe Onedesiredthatyou be left astray;He isyour Rabband to Himyou will return.]
[And not is useful to you my admonition if I intend that I give advice to you, if had the One desired that you be left astray; He is your Rabb and to Him you will return.] [ 11 : 34 ]
Or is it that they say, [He has invented it!]? Say, [If I have invented it then upon me are my crimes, and I am free from what crimes you commit.] [ 11 : 35 ]
And was revealedtoNooh,[Indeed it is thatnever willbe convincedfromyour nation,exceptwhoalready hasbecome certain,thusdo not feel dejectedabout whatthey have beendoing.]
And was revealed to Nooh, [Indeed it is that never will be convinced from your nation, except who already has become certain, thus do not feel dejected about what they have been doing.] [ 11 : 36 ]
[So buildthe Arkaccording to Our vision],and We also revealed,[And do nottalk to Mein (matter of)the ones whoare in darkness;indeed they areto be drowned.]
[So build the Ark according to Our vision], and We also revealed, [And do not talk to Me in (matter of) the ones who are in darkness; indeed they are to be drowned.] [ 11 : 37 ]
And he madethe Ark,and every whichtimecame upto himreligious clericsfromhis nation,they made funof it.(Nooh) said,[Ifyou make funof us,then it is thatwe make funof youjust howyou are making fun.]
And he made the Ark, and every which time came upto him religious clerics from his nation, they made fun of it. (Nooh) said, [If you make fun of us, then it is that we make fun of you just how you are making fun.] [ 11 : 38 ]
Until when came Our command, and bubbled up the oven We said, [Carry in it of all couples doubled, and your family — except from ones whom has passed upon the word — and (carry) who became sure.] And not became sure with him except a few. [ 11 : 40 ]
And itfloatedwith them,inwaves which werelike giant mountains;and calledNoohhis son,and he wasinisolation,[O my son!Ridewith usand do notbewiththe denying people.]
And it floated with them, in waves which were like giant mountains; and called Nooh his son, and he was in isolation, [O my son! Ride with us and do not be with the denying people.] [ 11 : 42 ]
(Nooh's son) said,[I will take refugewitha mountain,that will hold me backfromthe water.](Nooh) said,[Noholding backtodayfromcommand ofthe Oneexceptwhohas been given mercy.]And camebetween them boththe wave,and thus he wasofthe ones who drowned.
(Nooh's son) said, [I will take refuge with a mountain, that will hold me back from the water.](Nooh) said, [No holding back today from command of the One except who has been given mercy.] And came between them both the wave, and thus he was of the ones who drowned. [ 11 : 43 ]
And was said,[O Earth!Swallowyour water,and o sky!Turn offand diminishthe water],and came to bethe command,and (the Ark) was balanceduponthe goodness;and was said,[(See you) later.],for the nation ofthe people in darkness.
And was said, [O Earth! Swallow your water, and o sky! Turn off and diminish the water], and came to be the command, and (the Ark) was balanced upon the goodness; and was said, [(See you) later.], for the nation of the people in darkness. [ 11 : 44 ]
And called Nooh his Rabb (thus) said, [Rabb! Surely my son is of my family, and that Your promise is factual, and You are wisest of the deciders.] [ 11 : 45 ]
(The One) said,[O Nooh!Indeed he isnotfromyour family;surely heacted ascounterproductive,so do notquestionthat whichfor not iswith youabout itany knowledge,I amadvising youagainstbeingfromthe ignorant.]
(The One) said, [O Nooh! Indeed he is not from your family; surely he acted as counter productive, so do not question that which for not is with you about it any knowledge, I am advising you against being from the ignorant.] [ 11 : 46 ]
(Nooh) said, [Rabb! I am seeking refuge with You, that I question for that which not is for me about it any knowledge, and without Your pardon for me and Your mercy for me I am of the losers.] [ 11 : 47 ]
Was said,[O Nooh!Be humbledwith safetyfrom Us,and prosperity beupon youand uponnationsfrom those who arewith you;and (some) nationswill have enjoyment for them,thenwill touch themfrom Usa punishmentthat is painful.]
Was said, [O Nooh! Be humbled with safety from Us, and prosperity be upon you and upon nations from those who are with you; and (some) nations will have enjoyment for them, then will touch them from Us a punishment that is painful.] [ 11 : 48 ]
These areofinformations ofthe unseenbeing conveyedto you;notwereaware of ityou,and notyour nationfrombeforethis;thus persevere;surelythe successionbelongs to the mindful ones.
These are of informations of the unseen being conveyed to you; not were aware of it you, and not your nation from before this; thus persevere; surely the succession belongs to the mindful ones. [ 11 : 49 ]
And towards'Aadtheir brotherHood,who said,[O nation!Be in servitude ofthe One— notfor you isofa masterother than Him;indeedyou arenothing butfabricators.]
And towards 'Aad their brother Hood, who said, [O nation! Be in servitude of the One — not for you is of a master other than Him; indeed you are nothing but fabricators.] [ 11 : 50 ]
[And o nation!Ask forgiveness ofyour Rabbthenturntowards Him,He will sendthe heavensupon youin abundanceand will amplify yourpowerwithyour strength,and do notprotectthe criminals.]
[And o nation! Ask forgiveness of your Rabb then turn towards Him, He will send the heavens upon you in abundance and will amplify your power with your strength, and do not protect the criminals.] [ 11 : 52 ]
They said,[O Hood!Notyou have come to uswith clarifications,and notwe aregoing to leave behindour mastersagainstyour word,and notwe areto youwith ones of conviction.]
They said, [O Hood! Not you have come to us with clarifications, and not we are going to leave behind our masters against your word, and not we are to you with ones of conviction.] [ 11 : 53 ]
[In fact, we say that its nothing else but that have afflicted you some of our masters with malice.](Hood) said, [I am making witness the One, and (He) testifies that I am vindicated from what you are adding up...] [ 11 : 54 ]
[I amreliantuponthe One— my Rabband your Rabb —notthere is froma creatureexcept thatHeacceptsby its testimony;surelymy Rabb isupona paththat is stable.]
[I am reliant upon the One — my Rabb and your Rabb — not there is from a creature except that He accepts by its testimony; surely my Rabb is upon a path that is stable.] [ 11 : 56 ]
[So ifyou turn away,thus it is thatI have conveyedwhatwas inspired to meabout itto you;and will bring successors— my Rabb —a peopleother than you alland notyou can force Him forany thing;surelymy Rabbuponallthings isa guardian.]
[So if you turn away, thus it is that I have conveyed what was inspired to me about it to you; and will bring successors — my Rabb — a people other than you all and not you can force Him for any thing; surely my Rabb upon all things is a guardian.] [ 11 : 57 ]
And for whencameOur command,We savedHoodand the ones whohad convictionalong with himthrough mercyfrom Us,and We saved themfroma punishmentthat is tough.
And for when came Our command, We saved Hood and the ones who had conviction along with him through mercy from Us, and We saved them from a punishment that is tough. [ 11 : 58 ]
And these werepeople of 'Aad;they were disputatiousabout signs oftheir Rabband rebelled againsttheir messenger,and they obeyedcommand ofeverypridefulcorruptor.
And these were people of 'Aad; they were disputatious about signs of their Rabb and rebelled against their messenger, and they obeyed command of every prideful corruptor. [ 11 : 59 ]
And followed theminthisWorlddamnationand on day ofthe establishment.Is it notthatthe people of 'Aadwere in denial oftheir Rabb?Is it not thatwere done away withthe people of 'Aad,nation ofHood?
And followed them in this World damnation and on day of the establishment. Is it not that the people of 'Aad were in denial of their Rabb? Is it not that were done away with the people of 'Aad, nation of Hood? [ 11 : 60 ]
And (sent) toThamudtheir brotherSaleh.(Saleh) said,[O nation!Be in servitude ofthe One,notfor you isfroma masterother than Him;Heproduced youfromthe Earth,and He settled youin it,so ask for forgivenessthenturntowards Him,indeedmy Rabbis near,responding.]
And (sent) to Thamud their brother Saleh. (Saleh) said, [O nation! Be in servitude of the One, not for you is from a master other than Him; He produced you from the Earth, and He settled you in it, so ask for forgiveness then turn towards Him, indeed my Rabb is near, responding.] [ 11 : 61 ]
They said,[O Saleh!surelyyou werewithin usas someone who had hopebeforethis.Do you want us to refrain,thatwe servewhatobeyedour elders?While indeed weare indoubtof whatyou call ustowards itbeing suspicious.]
They said, [O Saleh! surely you were within us as someone who had hope before this. Do you want us to refrain, that we serve what obeyed our elders? While indeed we are in doubt of what you call us towards it being suspicious.] [ 11 : 62 ]
(Saleh) said,[O nation!Do you seethatI amuponclarityfrommy Rabb,and have been givenfrom Hima blessing,then who willhelp meagainstthe OneifI rebel against Him?Thus whatyou will increase in meexceptlosses?]
(Saleh) said, [O nation! Do you see that I am upon clarity from my Rabb, and have been given from Him a blessing, then who will help me against the One if I rebel against Him? Thus what you will increase in me except losses?] [ 11 : 63 ]
[And O nation!This iselegance ofthe Oneto youas a sign,thus allow it toshineinland ofthe One,and do notfeel itwith malice,because then you will be taken bya punishmentthat is close.]
[And O nation! This is elegance of the One to you as a sign, thus allow it to shine in land of the One, and do not feel it with malice, because then you will be taken by a punishment that is close.] [ 11 : 64 ]
Then whencameOur command,We savedSalehand the ones whohad convictionwith himwith gracefrom Us,and fromhumiliationthat day;assuredlyyour Rabbisthe Most Powerful,the Most Strong.
Then when came Our command, We saved Saleh and the ones who had conviction with him with grace from Us, and from humiliation that day; assuredly your Rabb is the Most Powerful, the Most Strong. [ 11 : 66 ]