Is itfor peoplea strange thingthatWe inspiredtowardsa manfrom themthathe warnsthe people,and gives good news tothe ones whoare convinced,thatfor them isset forthsincerityfromtheir Rabb?Saidthe ones who are in denialthat,[Thisis an enchanterclearly.]
Is it for people a strange thing that We inspired towards a man from them that he warns the people, and gives good news to the ones who are convinced, that for them is set forth sincerity from their Rabb? Said the ones who are in denial that, [This is an enchanter clearly.] [ 10 : 2 ]
And whenever are recited upon them Our signs that bring clarity, said the ones who do not have expectation for meeting Us, [Come with a proclamation other than this, or change it.] Say, Not it is for me that I change it from understanding of my own; indeed I follow nothing but what is inspired to me; I am indeed fearful of rebelling against my Rabb, of punishment of a day that is mighty.] [ 10 : 15 ]
And they are slaves offromthat which is beneaththe Onewhatnotharms themand notbenefits them,and they assert,[These are the ones whomediate for usin front ofthe One.]Say,[Are you informingthe Onewith that whichnotHe knowsinthe heavensand not (He knows)inthe land?]Glory be to Him,and superior isabove whatthey attribute (to Him).
And they are slaves of from that which is beneath the One what not harms them and not benefits them, and they assert, [These are the ones who mediate for us in front of the One.] Say, [Are you informing the One with that which not He knows in the heavens and not (He knows) in the land?] Glory be to Him, and superior is above what they attribute (to Him). [ 10 : 18 ]
Say,[Is therefromyour partnersanyone whoguidestowardsthe fact?]Say,[The Oneguidesfor the fact.Then is it not such that,Who guidestowardsthe fact,is rightfulthatHe be adhered to?Or is it one whocannotguideexceptthathe is guided (first)?Then what iswith you?How doyou judge?]
Say, [Is there from your partners anyone who guides towards the fact?] Say, [The One guides for the fact. Then is it not such that, Who guides towards the fact, is rightful that He be adhered to? Or is it one who cannot guide except that he is guided (first)? Then what is with you? How do you judge?] [ 10 : 35 ]
And not obey majority of them except assumption; surely the assumption not avails from the fact a thing, indeed the One is knowing with what your actions are. [ 10 : 36 ]
And nothas beenthisProclamatory Readingsuch thatit can be inventedfrom someone who isbeneaththe One,and whileconfirmingthat which isbetweenHis hands,and detailsthe Book,nodoubt isin it,fromRabb ofall the states of being.
And not has been this Proclamatory Reading such that it can be invented from someone who is beneath the One, and while confirming that which is between His hands, and details the Book, no doubt is in it, from Rabb of all the states of being. [ 10 : 37 ]
Or dothey say,[He invented it!]?Say,[Then come forthwith a surahthat can be considered at par with itand call uponfromthose whom's subordinate you arefrombeneaththe Oneifyou happened to betruthful people.]
Or do they say, [He invented it!]? Say, [Then come forth with a surah that can be considered at par with it and call upon from those whom's subordinate you are from beneath the One if you happened to be truthful people.] [ 10 : 38 ]
On the contrary,they continously contradictregarding whatnotthey encompassany knowledge about it,and what notcomes to them ofits summarization;that is howcontradictedthe ones whowere frombefore them,thus seehowwasend ofthe people in darkness.
On the contrary, they continously contradict regarding what not they encompass any knowledge about it, and what not comes to them of its summarization; that is how contradicted the ones who were from before them, thus see how was end of the people in darkness. [ 10 : 39 ]
And from themare somewho have convictionregarding it,and from themare some whonothave convictionregarding it;and your Rabb iswell acknowledgedregarding the corruptors.
And from them are some who have conviction regarding it, and from them are some who not have conviction regarding it; and your Rabb is well acknowledged regarding the corruptors. [ 10 : 40 ]
And if they deny you then say, [For me my works, and for you your works; you are vindicated from what and I am doing, and I am free from that which you are doing.] [ 10 : 41 ]
And on daythey will be collected,(it would be as if it) wasnotthey were ocupiedexceptan hourfromthe day-burst,getting to know each otheramongst themselves;certainlylostthe ones whocontradictedregarding meetingthe Oneand notthey wereguided ones.
And on day they will be collected, (it would be as if it) was not they were ocupied except an hour from the day-burst, getting to know each other amongst themselves; certainly lost the ones who contradicted regarding meeting the One and not they were guided ones. [ 10 : 45 ]
Is it not that for the One is what is in the heavens and the Earth? Is it not that promise of the One is factual? But majority of them not knows. [ 10 : 55 ]
O you ofthe people!SuffiicientlyHas come to youadmonitionfromyour Rabband a healingfor what iswithinthe chests,and guidanceand a blessingfor the believing ones.
O you of the people! Suffiiciently Has come to you admonition from your Rabb and a healing for what is within the chests, and guidance and a blessing for the believing ones. [ 10 : 57 ]
He is the Entity who made for you the night for you to rest in it, and the day-burst as enlightenment, surely in that forsure are signs for a nation who listens. [ 10 : 67 ]